Lighting And Well-Being
Psychophysiological Investigation of the Use of LED Lighting Scenarios
Project Justification
Light, particularly sunlight, supports the synchronization of major circadian rhythms which is essential for a high-quality sleep-wake rhythm and thus for health, performance, and well-being. When there is a lack of natural light, which is particularly the case indoors, it is not always easy to maintain these rhythms. The use of chronobiologically optimized lighting systems is therefore considered to be an opportunity to stabilize circadian rhythms and improve people’s life quality.

Comparison of the different lighting scenarios in the spa area
Our Approach
This study focused on psychophysiological effects of chronobiologically modified LED lighting in hotel buildings. Some hotel guests stayed in rooms with alterations of lighting in their living and bedrooms, the hallways, the restaurant, and the saline pool. A control group was accommodated in rooms with standard lighting. The LED technology was supposed to match the lighting intensity depending on the time of day. During the morning and the afternoon, brightness and color-temperatures were optimized for higher activation, whereas during the evening, parameters were adapted for lower activation. Behavioral parameters such as sleep and wake rhythm, motor activity and step counts were measured and analyzed. Additionally, psychoneuroendocrinological data including melatonin and cortisol levels were assessed along with self-reports of fatigue, well-being, stress, and comfort.

Comparison of the different lighting scenarios in the spa area
Insights and Outcomes
Overall, hotel guests reported higher levels of well-being when they were exposed to chronobiologically customized lighting. This finding was strengthened by a subjective reduction of stress, fatigue, and discomfort in the experimental group. The chronobiologically modified lighting also led to an increased quality of sleep which is shown in the rapid decrease of melatonin in the morning and the rapid increase in the evening.

Experimental setup in the bathroom and spa area
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